Friday, March 16, 2007

A Hard Hitting Realization...

You know, it may seem like what we present within the depths of this blog are hard hitting. Well they should be. However, I have discovered one fact which I hope may impact your minds even more to getting up and doing something to stop the PBGR's. For the class of 2009, we will need 48 PBGR's. Many of those 48 will be hard to aquire throughout our highschool lives due to lack of experiance and a lack of technology which will work correctly.

Some rubrics, though, will be impossible to obtain. Getting 4 history rubrics will prove to be one of the most challenging. Throughout our highschool carrers already, we've had 2-3 history courses. In these history courses we've only recieved 2-3 rubrics and that will be the final amount which we do recieve. How then, will it be possible to graduate if the opportunity to gain these rubrics is not presented?

I believe that is one question which you must ask yourself, and what our administrators, school board, state representatives, and what our government needs to think about. The government is not implicating the PBGR's for the bettering of the students. No, they are implimenting them so that all students, no matter what their thought level, looks exactly the same except for the grades they recieve and their extra curriculars.

Why should the students, who are already trying their best, be forced to go above their maximum and have to deal with even more stress? Why should students, who are able to think at levels above their age, have to be brought down so that the emotional stability of those below them are not hurt?

Do not take me wrong, I feel for the students who do try their best in school and just try to maintain "good grades" while balancing out other stresses too. I am one of them, I am one of you. I already have enough to worry about than just PBGR's. They are a nusiance which will be the downfall of every single student if something is not done.

If you want to fail out of high school and become just another homeless person, than it's your choice. But if you'd rather graduate the way you were supposed to, without the PBGR's, and make it to a higher education, than action must be taken. No one person can do it alone. We must all pitch in, as a whole, and put a halt to the PBGR's. Together, there is nothing that can not be accomplished, so band together today, write to your representatives, and let your voice be heard...

Leave Your Opinions and Thoughts in the Comments Section...

1 comment:

Jtruver28 said...

PBGR's are very annoying at time's and get in the way most of the time. i feel that the only thing they do is make people feel more stressed and ive seen that latly most people have been giving up on them. i feel that if pbgr's continue to be put into place at school's,a lot of innocent kids wont graduate either to not meeting the requirements or dropping out. i feel that somthing should be done soon before its too late. Josh Truver- angry student at westerly high school