Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Is There Light in this Darkened World?

As we gaze upon our future, we can see nothing more than darkness. Nothing more than the gray mist which covers our eyes. Our future, as we see it, is dying before us. The environment is rapidly transforming itself for the worse. It has become a virtual sludge pit and we have only ourselves to blame for it. We are using up to much energy on unnecessary things. We all want to go out and buy gas-guzzling SUVs and Hummers but all you are doing is adding to the pollution of the world.

It may not seem like it's affecting your lives now, but in 13 years it has been predicted that the world will end because of global warming due to pollution. This years winter seemed warmer, yes? Well that is due to global warming which is not a good thing at all. The warmer it becomes the more endangered our world is. Before we know it, we will be perishing as quickly as flies do with bug zappers. If something doesn't change soon then the world as we know it today, will be gone forever.

NCLB (No Child Left Behind) is also standing upon our doorsteps, knocking furiously. And soon, it will take over our academic lives as we know it. Hell, it will even take over our social lives for we will have no time to ourselves. We will forever be in fear of the threat of not graduating due to some problematic program which our government instituted. This program does not help any student at all. It was instituted so that all children would be able to perform at high standards and not feel left out or "left behind."

This program however, only brings down the advanced students and creates harder situations for students who were already struggling in school. The PBGR's have become a burden for students and teachers. That, on top of the senior project and other difficult and challenging academic courses, makes life seem like a living hell. All of these tasks put together seem to be an impossible feat to accomplish in a whole life time let alone 3-4 years of our high school lives.

It seems like wherever we turn, there is no light to guide us through these darkened times. The light, however, is here and has always been here. The solution to our dilemma is...us.

We are the answer to saving this world. Will we allow our earth to go into a state so irreversible that our death would be inevitable? No. Will we allow the government to suppress our learning abilities, take over our lives, and oppress the students, teachers, and other great minds with NCLB? No. But the only way in which we can change these things is to take action.

We must band together, as one, and fight for our liberty and for our life. Fight for the environment and fight for our right to a better education. Speak out in your local communities, form groups and create posters, and actively write to your local state representatives (senators, governors, etc.) about these pressing issues. Do whatever you can to get the message across to others. We have to start saving our world by saving the environment and ridding our lives of the extremely pointless NCLB. No one voice can be heard alone, but as a single entity, then no man, no power, and no government will be able to stop us. So take action, and change the course of history for the bettering of your lives and for the lives of your children too.

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