It’s our education; it’s our problem!
Almost two weeks, and only one comment, albeit a very encouraging one. This is supposed to be a people's movement. I know you all are reading. I know many of you agree. Unfortunately, it does not end there. We are in this together. Still, hope is not overcome by frustration. This quote, I feel, relates to the situation:
"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." - Jack London, American author (1876 - 1916)
The gears of the political machine will move regardless of words and text. They will move regardless of general dissatisfaction. Action is the only way to put a wrench in the gears. We understand the situation, we understand the reality, but until we make this known, the gears will not relent. I can not do this alone, however.
Political action comes in various forms. The question of how to become politically active is an open-ended one. I can give you the standard answer: write your legislators. It sounds run-of the-mill, but it is truly the easiest action to take.
[ RI Senators ]
Jack Reed (e-mail) / Sheldon Whitehouse
If you are passionate about this issue, let it be known. Your Congressmen are in power to represent you, your rights, and your desires. It is their duty to listen to your concerns and uphold them to the best of their ability. The only way this can happen is if they come to understand the reality of the situation as well as we, the students, do.
Phase one is commencing. Take action, however small it may seem. It can and will make a difference. And it will make even more of a difference if you spread the seed. Incite action in others who share similar views. Remember there is strength in unity, so unite, and be heard.
Spread the seed. Spread the change.